The JDOM api is used for modifying the xml and adding new Element and values to the existing xml. /* * add jdom2.2 jaR TO CLASSPATH FOR THE PROGRAM TO WORK*/ jaxen, xercesImpl.jar,xml-apis.jar Download the source code from the below link. The Jar file contains a main program, which demonstates how to use the JDOM api. All we have to do is modify the main program-with your file name and provide the parameters. Add the other source file to the class path.Or add the jar to the class path with above mentioned JAR-Jdom and xml related jar package com.anjana.xmlutils; import; public class ModifyMain { public static void main(String args[]){ File xmlFile = new File("c:\\myfile.xml"); ModifyXMLFileClient modifyclient=new ModifyXMLFileClient(xmlFile); modifyclient....