Installing tomcat6.X and Java1.6X on Linux using Winscp

Installing Java 1.6x and Tomcat 6.x on Linux--Using Winscp
Installing java:
  1. Download jdk version--1.6x for linux from Sun website
  2. Download the non-rpm version.
  3. Use winscp and connect to the server.
  4. go to usr dir
  5. right click and create a new directory--java
  6. give all the read/write permission to the directory
  7. move the download jdk from your local system to the java directory
  8. open putty connection to the server
  9. #cd usr
  10. execute the command using putty:./jre-1.bin

/* optional

# mkdir -p /usr/local/java

# cd /usr/local/java

# mv /path/to/jdk-1_6_0_20-linux-x64.bin .

# chmod u+x jdk-1_6_0_20-linux-x64.bin

# ./jdk-1_6_0_20-linux-x64.bin


  • set JAVA_HOME and PATH
  • set JAVA_HOME to the dir of java
  • PATH to bin dir of JAVA_HOME

Use--Putty to execute the below
  1. # export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_10
  2. # export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

Check if we have installed it
# which java
# java -version
java version "1.6.0_10"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_10-b33)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0-b15, mixed mode)

Installing Tomcat

Download tomcat -- Binary Core Distribution file --6.x to you local machine
  1. rename the file as tomcat 6
  2. use winscp and move to server /var/lib folder
  3. create a new folder name as--tomcat6
  4. give read write access permission to the folder
  5. right click on the tomcat6.tar.gz and say extract
  6. in the dialogue box give tomcat 6

# export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_20
# export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
# export CATALINA_HOME=/var/lib/tomcat6
# export CATALINA_BASE=/var/lib/tomcat6
# export JRE_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_20
Create a manager role with user name and password to deploy the application
Use winscp to navigate to the folder-var/lib/tomcat6/conf
open tomcat-users.xml
copy that file to local machine and give the access.

start tomcat: #cd CATALINA_HOME/bin

shutdown tomcat:#cd CATALINA_HOME/bin
The above url should give a tomcat default page.
should prompt for a user name and password.


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