
Showing posts from 2012

CXF RESTFUL Service - Example jax-rs

CXF frame work  supports restful web services. It is provided in the following ways: JAX_RS JAX_WS ProviderDispatch HtppBinding Below is the example of RESTFUL service which gives an xml response .The data is pulled form  the database .I have also integrated  spring-jdbc with cxf. check the response after running the application at- http://localhost:8086/cxf-jaxrs-poc/myservice/users Port number can change based on availability. Lets start with the configurations-cxf.xml : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:jaxrs="" xsi:schemaLocation="" default-lazy-in...

cxf-jaxws-SOAP Example-Live Resturant Example

This is a simple cxf-jaxws application.The appliction offers 2 services cancel order place order The wsdl can be accessed at: http://localhost:8086/cxf-jaxws-LiveResturant/OrderService?wsdl CXF webservice depends on the service endpoint interface. Uses spring based configuration. The application has been tested on tomcat and uses the latest cxf jar files. Create a web application project in eclipse cxf.xml -add a cxf.xml in web-inf folder <beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:jaxws="" xmlns:wsa="" xmlns:wsrm-mgr="" xmlns:wsp="" xmlns:wsrm="" xmlns:wsam="

Code First Webservice using jax-ws and CXF- webservice framework

Create a Bean Create a SEI-Service End Point Interface Use Annotation on the SEI @ webservice Create a Implementation Class which implements the SEI Create a CXF.xml file add the  SEI and impl mapping in the xml file configure the cxf file in the web.xml map the  spring context listener and cxf servlet in the web.xml.

What are the Front ends Provided by Apache CXF

JAX-WS JAX-RS Simple JavaScript

What is Bindings in Webservice and types of Bindings

Bindings: Maps a webservice message to the protocol. Types of Bindings: SOAP bindings: Maps a webservice message to a SOAP service Pure XML Bindings :sends a raw xml message HTTP Bindings :Maps webservice message using a RESTFUL service.

Creating threadpool to execute tasks

The below code shows  usage of  util.concourrent.ExecutorService to create a thread pool. The tasks are executed concurrently using the avilable number of fixed threads. Below link tells us the difference of thread vs runnable interface 3) Runnable interface represent a Task which can be executed by either plain Thread or Executors or any other means. so logical separation of Task as Runnable than Thread is good design decision. Read more:   package com.anjana.threadpools; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import com.anjana.dao.TenantManager; public class Main { private static final int NTHREDS = 4; public static void main(String[] args) { ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(NTHRED...

Creating a portlet project using maven archetype

mvn archetype:create -DgroupId=com.myportlet -DartifactId=myportletproject -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-portlet

Integrating Struts2 and spring security -with apache ds

Pre-requisites:      Apache directory studio-1.5.3        Apache- Ds server 1.5      Jboss5.1ga       Eclipse    Java 1.6 Add  a application-security-ldap.xml to web-inf folder. The application-secuirty-ldap.xml file  contains 2 parts  that needs to be configured: http and the authentication manager The http tag-contains url that needs to be authenticated and  and authorised with role. If a user is authenticated and not authorised -then the app redirects the user to access denied page.This configuration is done in web.xml file. The second part is the <authentication-manager> this has information about type of authentication provider used, its urls and credentials.In the below example I have used ldap-server which connects with apache ds which is listening at port:10389 and the partition that needs to be searched is "sevenSeas". The ldap-a...

Starting apache ds server

Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Services Click on Apache Directory Server- in the left side you would get an option to start the server. Click on start.

Creating partition in apache directory server and loading the context

Install-apache ds1.5 and apache directory studio. Creating partition in apache directory server and loading the context Open server.xml file --->C:\Program Files\Apache Directory Server\instances\default\conf\server.xml add jdm partition-    <jdbmPartition id="prdc" suffix="o=prdc"/>  You can restart the apache ds server to see the changes. Then connect to Apache DS using the Apache Directory Studio. Right Click on DIT Create Entry from Scratch  select Organization  select o and in the value enter-"prdc" select finish and refesh the DIT to see the updates.

JBOSS-javax.inject.DefinitionException: import not a Java type

I got this error while executing spring-jdbc with spring secuirty. The reason is the name- of the beans.xml file. Looks like jboss doesnt like beans.xml . I renamed my beans.xml file to jdbc-beans.xml. The error was gone.

Integrating Struts2 with Spring Security using Custom Login Form

Integrating Struts2 with Spring Security involves few configurations. Add all the spring core and spring security related jars-- spring -3.0.6 Struts2-Action :gets user principal and displays it on jsp after authentication package com.prdc.spring3; import java.util.ArrayList; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.struts2.ServletActionContext; public class HelloWorld { private String message; private String username; public String getMessage() { return message; } public void setMessage(String message) { this.message = message; } public String execute() { /*to get the authenticated username*/ HttpServletRequest request = ServletActionContext.getRequest(); this.setUsername(request.getUserPrincipal().getName()); ...

How Does DriverManger -return a Connection Object

DriverManger has a static method called -static Connection getConnection(String url, String user, String password) --> Attempts to establish a connection to the given database URL. which returns a Connection Object. The returned Connection Object is an Interface. Connection con=DriverManger.getConnection(String url, String user, String password)

Update the LOG Level at Runtime without Restarting the server

Update the LOG Level at Runtime without Restarting the server-  Thanks to .I have enchnaced the code by providing a jsp file and adding log4j.xml properties as well. Find the update src code and screen shots in the PDF below. Log4j-Update Log Level of the Application without restarting the server.PDF