How to create a src/main/java source folder in Eclipse Click on new->Java Project Click on next Click on Source tab--usally source tab will be selected by default.. Under Details-click on-Create new source folder link. Enter the folder name as "src/main/java" Click on finish. Start creating packages under this.
In spring mvc its very easy to redirect from one controller to another controller Example : @Controller @RequestMapping("/springcontroller1") public class SpringController1{ } @Controller public class SpringController2{ //thinking of redirecting on clicking on a method @RequestMapping(value = "/", method = RequestMethod.POST, params = "action=cancel") public ModelAndView cancel(@ModelAttribute("MyForm") MyForm myForm, BindingResult errors,SessionStatus sessionStatus,HttpServletRequest request) throws MyException { ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView(); sessionStatus.setComplete(); //redirecting to controller1 return new ModelAndView("redirect:/"); } }
If you use the following code snippet to hide and show tds- the UI will get disturbed. The next corresponding td will get shifted to the hidden td space. var tablevar="#"+myTable; $(tablevar+' tr:eq('+i+')').find('td:eq(3)').show(); $(tablevar+' tr:eq('+i+')').find('td:eq(2)').show(); So how to retain the td space and still achieve the functionality. use the this code snippet. var tablevar="#"+myTable; $(tablevar+' tr:eq('+i+')').find('td:eq(3)').css("visibility", "hidden"); $(tablevar+' tr:eq('+i+')').find('td:eq(2)').css("visibility", "hidden"); $(tablevar+' tr:eq('+i+')').find('td:eq(4)').css("visibility", "visible");
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