BunnyEars--Java Number sequencing problem

We have bunnies standing in a line, numbered 1, 2, ... The odd bunnies (1, 3, ..) have the normal 2 ears. The even bunnies (2, 4, ..) we'll say have 3 ears, because they each have a raised foot. Recursively return the number of "ears" in the bunny line 1, 2, ... n (without loops or multiplication).

bunnyEars2(0) → 0

bunnyEars2(1) → 2

bunnyEars2(2) → 5
public int bunnyEars2(int bunnies) {

if(bunnies==0) return 0;

else if(bunnies%2==0)

return 3 + bunnyEars2(bunnies-1);


return 2+bunnyEars2(bunnies-1);



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