power(base,n) recursively in java
Given base and n that are both 1 or more, compute recursively (no loops) the value of base to the n power, so powerN(3, 2) is 9 (3 squared).
powerN(3, 1) → 3
powerN(3, 2) → 9
powerN(3, 3) → 27
public int powerN(int base, int n) {
int result=base;
if(n==0) return 1;
if(n > 0){
return result * (powerN(base,n-1));
return result;
powerN(3, 1) → 3
powerN(3, 2) → 9
powerN(3, 3) → 27
public int powerN(int base, int n) {
int result=base;
if(n==0) return 1;
if(n > 0){
return result * (powerN(base,n-1));
return result;
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